It's been a busy month so far of travel and illness, and I'm a little behind. Last year, I was ahead of the game with a drawing I was already quite pleased with, and photographed results every hour, and the painting took three. Drawing is the skeleton and muscle on which the skin of oil paint rests, and it takes time to grow. Painting on a time limit can help me work through the despair I often feel when a piece is in the ugly phases. Let's see what happens today. Forgive me, if today's exercise is not a triumph, but merely a stalemate.
Let's dive in.

Sketch one, above, inspired by suggestions made by Karen James. Perhaps this will become a full-fledged piece, but nautical vessels are not at the moment a strength I've tapped.

Thumbnail sketch, above.

Working out the pose using a super-heroic model for structure and shadow, above.

Early face and pose. Enter...the glyptodont!
Scanning and tweaking to post is taking a bit. I'll forge ahead and be back by 6 pm eastern standard!
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Original artwork on The Flying Trilobite Copyright to Glendon Mellow under Creative Commons Licence.
Flying Trilobite Gallery ### Flying Trilobite Reproduction Shop ### 2009 Calendar available for a limited time
can you give the young darwin a cape? i think he needs a cape!
oh wait, "No capes!"
I must obey Ms. Mode, Rick.
Plow through G-Mel,
I hope there is no Kryptonite in that rock face.
Later Days,
I can't wait to see how this turns out!
Keep up the great work Glendon!
THis is really exciting - the creative process revealed!
Thanks Chris!
Thanks Irradiatus!
Thanks Karen! A bit more about the creative process involves listening to Green Day & M.I.A while sipping amaretto coffee.
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Posts over 14 days old have their comments held in moderation - I've been getting an unusual amount of spam for a guy who paints trilobites. I'll release it lickety-split though.