This year, I will be launching a swanky new blog banner. Another Mythical Flying Trilobite Fossil painting on shale, but with a bit of a twist. More deets tomorrow for Art Monday.
Oh, and I have pie! Celebrate with coffee, pie, and the music of Julee Cruise! Cue the bass: derm derrrmm...derm derrrrrm...

When waiting for my flight back to Toronto from ScienceOnline09, Nature Network guru Henry Gee asked me if blogging had changed my life.
It most certainly has. The degree of intellectual and artistic fulfillment I have gained rushed in to fill a void whose dimensions I had not been aware of before. I began The Flying Trilobite as a way to self-promote my art and artistic skills , which is still a major purpose for me, and I've also been enveloped by community. It's a challenge to keep up with the clever heavyweights in the science, secular and artsy continents of the blogosphere. I hope my paintings continue to inspire and find a place of interest.

What's in store for year 3?
Digital painting!
Casting sculpture!
More t-shirts!
More portraits!
More human figures!
More lack of sleep, more coffee, more yearning to do art for a living, more Beagle-y goodness, more naples yellow...
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Original artwork on The Flying Trilobite Copyright to Glendon Mellow under Creative Commons Licence.
Flying Trilobite Gallery ### Flying Trilobite Reproduction Shop ###
Here's wishing you an awesome Flying Triloblogiversary - more good years Glendon!
A most happy Anniversary of the Mighty Flying Trilobite! Here to stay!
New banner! Pie!
Thanks Lim! Thanks for sticking around so long! Have pie!
Thanks, Nerd! Are you here for the pie? Strawberry-rhubarb! Yay!
Thanks Bond! Aw, you called it me mighty...you can have some whipped topping on your pie. Here y'go.
Time sure flys...or is it the Trilobite??
Best of luck in year three.
Happy anniversobirthday! And many happy returns!
Happy BiTrilobloggovers-a-ma-nary Mr. Mellow. You are an interesting and talented young man with a strange and marvelous niche. Long may you reign.
Thanks Rudi! Good to see you on the weekend. Had enough pie?
Thanks Raptor! Enjoy some pie. It's hypothetically-flavoured.
Thanks Heather! I baked your pie in a wood-burning oven....get it? Oh I kill me.
Thanks Scott, my new bloggy-peep! Have some raspberry turnovers.
Thanks Humblewoodcutter! We're referring to me as "young" now? Excellent. Bumbleberry for Humble. And when I reign, "let them eat pie".
"Enjoy some pie, it's hypothetically flavored..." That was sooo funny I forgot to laugh. No seriously, that was the corniest joke I've ever heard. lol. Seriously, though, you're welcome.
Congrats on 2 years!
Happy Bite-o-versary! I will only have pie if you promise not to mash it in my face. I do remember that birthday of mine when we were all dressed up nicely and you saved a whipped cream tart thing, smuggled it out of the restaurant and smushed it in my face whilst standing around on the sidewalk....
Thanks Jesse! There's no more pie left, but have some jell-o. Mmm. Jell-o. Red flavour.
Thanks Violetlight! Oh, you have something on your face....just...there...smoosh.
Happy belated blogiversary! Here's to many more years of increasing success for the Flying Trilobite!
Belated happy blogiversary (been overwhelmed at work lately, so am catching up on blogs)
Thanks Brian! Thanks Kristjan! It's great to have your support for so long.
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