Monday 21 July 2008

Artwork Mondays: Sketchy Sketches

A couple of pages from my sketchbook for this Artwork Monday.

I'll leave my commentary to a minimum this week, but please go nuts critiquing the rough work if you want. Just no one tell Carl Buell about the megatherium skull below. I'm worried he'll point and chuckle in a manly way.
The megatherium is a cast that was included in the Darwin: The Evolution Revolution show at the Royal Ontario Museum, finishing up August 4th. The contours of this skull were pretty unusual. I think the sketch has a decent sense of 3-dimensionality, but the anatomy may be a little off. Also pictured are chimp and quetzalcoatlus skulls. The R.O.M. has mounted a quetzalcoatlus skeleton that is awesome and terrifying. Makes me want to curl up with The World Beneath by James Gurney.

This is a sketch for a painting I may begin soon. I've got some nifty water-soluble pencil crayons that might suit this piece.

This seems like the perfect idea to doodle with while I'm away at the cottage in August.

I should have some news the first week of August as well. I'm busting with it. I'll also begin posting a little more regularly again this week beyond the Artwork Mondays.
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All original artwork on The Flying Trilobite Copyright to Glendon Mellow. The contents of this blog are under a Creative Commons Licence. See sidebar for details.


Anonymous said...

I am a pushover when it comes to pencil sketches.
They are always my favorite.

Your sketches make me feel like I am sitting in some remote canyon with you, watching you record on paper some incredible archeological 'find'.
Always a thrill, Trilobite!

Glendon Mellow said...

Hi Heather!

Charles Darwin discovered megatherium in South America during the Beagle voyage. I always had this plastic toy one when I was a kid that I would make waltz with a plateosaur 'cuz both toys had their forelimbs in these mirror-image grasping poses.

Yellow tiger swallowtails are my wife's favourites, so they'd have to be in the butterfly collection.

The news will have to keep a bit longer. No, it's not a new tattoo, nor am I president of the galaxy.

Glendon Mellow said...

Hiya Leslie!

I miss the vacation blog sometimes. Now it just feels like work and oranges. Kidding.

Thanks for the pencil compliments! I love looking at pencil sketches too. They reveal so much.

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Posts over 14 days old have their comments held in moderation - I've been getting an unusual amount of spam for a guy who paints trilobites. I'll release it lickety-split though.

Copyright © 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Glendon Mellow. All rights reserved. See Creative Commons Licence above in the sidebar for details.
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