It`s time for Art Mondays to end.
Lately I find I am rushing artwork to make the deadline, or posting pieces in haste and not getting back to them. I have a list of incomplete work that`s growing all the time. It`s not as fun as it was, and I`m trying to free my life of self-imposed constraints.

I hesitated to write this final Art Monday, -I enjoy the structure - I actually planned to post this last week! I will continue to post art, and hopefully by this summer, I`ll be posting it more often than once a week anyway.
Time to let the flying trilobite out of its stony chrysalis and let it glide free of a weekly rhythm.
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Original artwork on The Flying Trilobite Copyright to Glendon Mellow
under Creative Commons Licence.
Flying Trilobite Gallery *** Flying Trilobite Reproduction Shop ***
i think i'll go out on a limb (my left leg i've decided), and speak on behalf of ALL flying trilobiteketeers...
though one might think we'll miss this segment G-man, in reality its your art we'd miss if that stopped.
so free your art and your creativity from the shackles of a forced schedule. heck do whatever is nessecary (so long as it remains within the confindes of the law and morality ;P), and we'll patiently wait, and even help you should a request be made.
just so long as you grave us with a slight peek or update now and then, yo :P
again i think i'm in line with the thinking of all your loyal readers and followers!
Thanks Craig! The plan is to post art more often, not less. If it turns out the discipline of Art Monday is missing, I'll bring it back.
I'm agreeing with Traum here, Glendon. If the commitment is interfering with the awesomeness that is your work, then take the break you need. I should know... the "island project" I've been going on about is almost complete, but I didn't want to rush it just to fit some stupid schedule I had set myself.
I concur with Craig when I say don't worry about letting Art Mondays go. It's the art we tune in for!
To quote a famous philosopher, "If you love something, set it free." Haha. Don't worry about us, we'll still be watching!
But thanks, Glendon, for the wonderful ArtMondays that were!
Thanks Mo, thanks Peter, (and thanks again Craig!) for all your support! I feel I'm moving in... bolder directions with my art since I returned to school. It's refreshing. It's suitable the blog follow.
Mo, I have to add, you are a machine. Have you submitted anything to Phylomon? It seems right up your alley.
Keep drawing regularly but to hell with the schedule for a while. I've tried a regular posting schedule and it's great for a while and to make you do it, but it really takes it's toll on your creativity. Sometimes you just need to recharge your creative batteries
I agree Cathy: better to get the work done as it's done. It was a good exercise in discipline for me, and kept the blog with its only regular feature. We'll see. Maybe it will return, or something new will replace it.
I'd never even come across Phylomon, Glendon, it looks pretty cool! Perhaps I will submit something.
It just seemed to have "Mo Hassan" all over it.
sorry, joining a little late to the party.
some of the worst constraints are the ones you make your self, youve done very well to keep it up for two years, i dont think i know of anyone whos kept up with a blogging/posting schedule for that amount of time.
lets hope that the lessons youve learnt in your recent education open alot more doors for you.
Hey Marco, thanks again for the encouragement.
It's been a good two years, I think trying to maintain a regular post that long was healthy.
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Posts over 14 days old have their comments held in moderation - I've been getting an unusual amount of spam for a guy who paints trilobites. I'll release it lickety-split though.