Thursday, 23 September 2010

Oil rig fire painting progress

Still practicing with ArtRage 2.5.

Here's a background that I think may be completed.  This is for Trilobite Boy Saves the Day, which I've previously posted about here and here. More Trilobite Boy posts here.

Click to enlarge.

Nasty oil rig fire.  Perhaps it's time for our hero to make an appearance.

Here's an up-close shot of what the clouds look like.

Click to enlarge. 

ArtRage is a painting program that attempts to mimic a variety of real art media, with the advantages that digital painting has to offer (layers, ctrl-z).  What do you think of this cloud detail?  I left it this jpeg at 95% resolution and zoomed way in.

Another thing that would be great if ArtRage could do, would be to somehow splatter ink.  I tried for that affect along the lower edge of the smoke-cloud, near the right side.  I used a tiny tube of paint and palette knife to scrape the squirted tube.  The new ArtRage can do a lot of new fancy things.  Maybe it has options.  For now, I may try a custom brush in Photoshop.

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Original artwork on 
The Flying Trilobite Copyright to Glendon Mellow
Creative Commons Licence.



Sean Craven said...

This is gorgeous, dude. I love the sense of open light and vast space. It's still in a crude state and it totally rocks.

Got to say, I do feel that I need to start working the traditional materials more often. Reactions in the real world can be a lot more interesting than the digital stuff.

Glendon Mellow said...

Thanks Sean!

Hey if you ever needs tips on traditional materials, I've got 10 years of experience in an art supply store -- just ask!

I don't normally do so many bright colours. It still feels a bit toy-like to me.

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Copyright © 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Glendon Mellow. All rights reserved. See Creative Commons Licence above in the sidebar for details.
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