Today, let's begin at the Ent.

Pencil in my super-awesome giant Moleskine Folio. I created this piece for Henry Gee and the magazine Mallorn. (I'm hoping it sees publication! Naked desire! There!) Henry was looking for something different than the work of Peter Jackson's films, or D&D derived imagery. I knew almost right away I wanted to do an Ent walking surrealistically on tiny roots and eyes blinking out of knots.
I think it's going to eat the wizard-dude though.
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Next week: let's bust out some Marvel Comics, shall we?
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Original artwork on The Flying Trilobite Copyright to Glendon Mellow
under Creative Commons Licence.
Flying Trilobite Gallery *** Flying Trilobite Reproduction Shop ***
Glendon's surreal ent will be in the next issue of Mallorn, out in the fall. A good reason for joining the Tolkien Society!!
Woo-hoo! Thank you Sir Gee!
Fuck me this is good!, this is your best piece to date.
Later days,
Christopher Zenga
Best piece? High praise indeed! Thanks Zenga!
Very fond of this one -- more Lovecraft than Tolkien in overall vibe. High spook factor.
Which is a good thing. Wanna fix Tom Bombadil?
Thanks Sean!
Lovecraftian is a high compliment in my book. I liked the unreality of the delicate roots suspending the massive bulk. I think my Ent minces.
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