While I'm working on the follow-up posts to the tablet workshop and the Art & Science session, here are some pics from ScienceOnline2010 last weekend. This is just part 1, and you can see more on my Flickr.
Attendees sign in.
My session co-leader Felice Frankel with copies of her new book, No Small Matter.
The paleo-blogger contingent. From left, Brian Switek of Laelaps, Andy Farke of The Open Source Paleontologist and a guy with a tragically incorrect trilobite tattoo.
Posts over 14 days old have their comments held in moderation - I've been getting an unusual amount of spam for a guy who paints trilobites. I'll release it lickety-split though.
great pics, just hope someone got shots of the action around the bar on Saturday night
I've got video of the sea chanteys....
Fantastic pictures - thanks for sharing! I'm already looking forward to the next ScienceOnline.
Excellent meeting you too, Andy!
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Posts over 14 days old have their comments held in moderation - I've been getting an unusual amount of spam for a guy who paints trilobites. I'll release it lickety-split though.