Here are some blogs I'd like to see get even more attention.
-The Day After - art by my friend Chris Zenga, focusing mainly (but not exclusively on) the walking tedd, Zombie Bears many based on different archetypes. Zenga is a socially-conscious horror artist as well and is donating a portion of his print sales to a good cause. It reminds you to be careful 'cuz when you go out to the bloggy woods today, you're in for a big surprise.
-Relationship-a-holic - I value different points of view, and I've started following this blog to get just that. Still in its nascent stages, I'm enjoying the wit and occasional snark.
- Hammered Out Bits - professional blacksmith (yeah, that's right, I said blacksmith!) Darrell Markewitz and his adventures in artistry. This is as hands-on as it gets. Swords from meteorites!
- orchidart - This is a focused blog and focused artist. Personally, I'm always chasing after ideas and things in science which wow me. Artist Garness looks at a single wide-ranging subject and I find these images quiet my mind. I contemplate how they were painted, and how the orchids grow.
- New Minority - Family-man, atheist and soldier, Jones is a commenter here who looks at the world from a rare vantage point.
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Original artwork on The Flying Trilobite Copyright to Glendon Mellow under Creative Commons Licence.
Flying Trilobite Gallery ### Flying Trilobite Reproduction Shop ##
# 2009 Calendar available for a limited time
Hey, thanks Glendon. I'm just now getting back on the internet and catching up. It's cool to see your support as the first thing I read.
Wow - the blacksmith blog is quite a find!
Eric - you're welcome.
Coturnix - I used to take extra classes on Saturday mornings, and blacksmith Darrell Markewitz ran a terrific one about life in the middle ages. I learned to write in Celtic runes (which I still do now to leave myself private notes), swordfighting, basic helmet making designs and sword fighting.
Darrell had a huge impact on my early teen years in how to behave as an adult, so I was excited to see last year that he has a blog.
Uh...cool and all...but where's mine? Not trying to be rude or anything, ok?
Sorry Raptor, I didn't see a hit counter on your site, so I didn't presume you are at less traffic than me.
Can I have some attention too? LOL
The main oil I like to master is walnut. :-)
what a great idea, could someone link to our blog, gardenandhomefurniture.co.uk
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Posts over 14 days old have their comments held in moderation - I've been getting an unusual amount of spam for a guy who paints trilobites. I'll release it lickety-split though.